TOGETHER AT LASTOriginal writing by LT"Moon"
Mullin, Eldon Owens and Dick Meacher. Picture, if you can, a prairie town many years ago, with the school, church, town hall, general store, train station, fire hall, barber shop, doctor's office, and all the buildings which combined to make up a village of the early 1900's. Then imagine the board sidewalks leading to all these buildings, up and down the various streets. You will see at the far end of one street, a large ship, painted in red, blue and white, with flags flying. People seem to be crowded around the base of this structure, bustling up and down the stairway, and back and forth to a nearby church. This is the scene that met the eyes of hundreds of visitors to the Pioneer Village and Museum on the nineteenth of June, 1977, Dedication Day for the "Sukanen Ship". A large stage had been set up near the ship, and rows and rows of seats arranged for the audience to witness the Dedication and Grand Opening of the "Dontianen". The stage was occupied by many dignitaries and guests; all of whom had helped in some way with the restoration of "The Dontianen". |